Things You Should Know About Cybersecurity
Things You Should Know About Cybersecurity industry, the place where future billionaires come to get inspired. Today we have a special subject that’s almost a matter of national security or at least personal security leaving the drama aside cybersecurity is a burning industry that thrives by selling and stealing personal data or money from everyone everything on the Internet is at risk because you can be blackmailed or have your bank accounts emptied while you sleep hackers are the ones to blame for cybersecurity theft, but there’s also companies that develop software that helps to keep privacy private and creating cybersecurity awareness, if they don’t take this problem seriously very bad things can happen whether we’re talking about terrorism fraud or privacy nothing is safe anymore this entire industry handles a scary amount of money, and it only started a few decades ago when computers and the internet were invented if you want to know some more about cybersecurity all the secrets and all the dirty money.
Companies can lose up to two trillion dollars in a year due to cybercrime one of the scariest things is to wake up one day and have it all taken away from you because you logged on to a weird website, or you used your credit card somewhere different it’s even worse when you’re a company and billions of dollars are at stake studies show that in 2019 cyber fraud would be up by two trillion dollars globally higher than it ever has been cybercrime products are very advanced and these days when people are so fed up with corrupt governance and the lack of resources anything can happen let’s be real, although it’s not the honest way to make money a lot of people have thought about it.
Less than 2% of this industry is done by humans there used to be a time when cybersecurity was a very demanding job done 100% by humans 24/7 nowadays though things have changed and with modern technology this industry is one of the most advanced in the world over the years’ atomization has become such a big thing that only 2% of cybersecurity is done by actual humans robots and other software have replaced humans in a matter of decades they still need humans to keep the machines and programs running and safe, but that’s about it.
Everything connected to the Internet is at risk the pictures you post on Facebook or anywhere on the Internet can be used for all sorts of unwanted or evil purposes even worse is that any device connected to the Internet like your phone your TV security cameras, doorbell or your smart home is at risk any vulnerability or breach in the system can be used against you millions of people have been victims of cyber security so whatever smart technology you use or fingerprint PIN codes try to secure everything with a trustworthy 2-step authentication strong passwords even insurance all those movies you see on TV are inspired by real-life situations.
Tech companies are offering free software to help secure future elections in light of Cambridge analytic and Trump selection people are now doubting the system and the value of their vote a lot of things happen behind the scenes and cyber fraud is one of them for sure to prevent third parties from interfering with future elections some tech companies are offering free software to help secure them, although some people are skeptical about companies giving cybersecurity for free let’s not forget that this is the way they will advertise themselves as the software that helped elect a president indeed nothing is brief.
Amazon has a market capitalization of seven hundred and seventy billion dollars the most important and safe cybersecurity company is not necessarily the richest one, although billions of dollars are poured into this industry it’s surprising to see which one invests the most and that company is the giant Amazon the company of the richest man in the world Jeff Bezos is also the one that has the biggest market capitalization of this industry over seven hundred and seventy billion dollars they keep their data really secure and take cybersecurity very seriously we’re curious what kind of security Jeff uses for his one hundred and forty-four billion dollars.
Edward Snowden uncovered one of the biggest global surveillance systems conducted by the NSA. 2013 was a very interesting year for Edward Snowden and the U.S. as most people know by now Edward uncovered a series of secret operations that the US government through the NSA were conducting global surveillance it didn’t end very well for him as he’s still hiding somewhere in Russia where he’s in asylum but thanks to him, we now know just how complex and holistic this system is nothing is private and the most precious thing someone can have these days is privacy and information governments and big companies are spying on you and using your data to manipulate your behavior.
Yahoo was the victim of the biggest data breach in history the bigger the company the higher the risk for cyber crime and attacks small companies are at risk too even individual people that seem to be irrelevant for a hacker by far the biggest and most damaging data breach happened four years ago we’re talking about the famous Yahoo cyberattacks that exposed the data of over three billion accounts over the period of a year the attacks compromised the real names email addresses dates of birth and telephone numbers that were not well protected the entire scandal knocked off over 350 million dollars of Yahoo sale price to Verizon in the end they sold it for 4.4 eight billion dollars in spite of its once valued 100 billion.
cyber criminals are targeting rich people cyber criminals are getting smarter than ever they don’t waste time anymore targeting random people hoping to get something out of them they now go straight to the rich people knowing they can get millions of dollars out of them social media accounts or emails are used to scam them into transferring money to their accounts one of the most popular social platforms they use is LinkedIn pretty smart huh never fully trust the people on the internet especially when they asked you for money
more than 60% of companies don’t update their IT systems you know the saying you get what you pay for this unfortunately applies to many companies out this number comes from Microsoft the company that pretty much is responsible for 70% of the computer systems in the world when you’re a professional you should be extra cautious with emails software and even hardware information is powerful and keeping everything safe and updated is utterly important since so many companies take it for granted it’s no wonder they get blackmailed it’s always better to prevent problems rather than to treat them.

cybercrime is costing the world over six trillion dollars the most affected industries by cyber attacks are finance medical government and electrical if there’s any trace of money of blackmail someone will try to get it up until now over six trillion dollars have been grasped by this industry this includes money gold stocks ransoms etc. with so much at stake it’s no wonder that companies pay so much money to keep their clients satisfied and their money safe over one trillion dollars was spent in the last five years on cyber defense solutions alone
there’s a massive talent gap in this industry talented security engineers are very hard to find these days and because hackers are getting better every day companies need to keep up there’s a massive talent gap in the cybersecurity industry both because people aren’t so interested in it and also because they want too much money women might just come to the rescue of companies decide to promote these jobs to them if that falls short then ex-military.
personnel can be used to fill the gap or simply people that have the potential to learn everything they need there’s always a way
cybersecurity in Africa will get to 2.5 billion dollars although Africa is not the biggest economical center they are still highly targeted by hackers since they can’t defend themselves like other economies can the technological development is stuck and at risk of not improving for the future so far they invested around 1.7 billion dollars in cybersecurity and plan to add up to 2.5 billion dollars hackers know their infrastructure and systems are weak so each attack costs them roughly 1.2 million dollars.

New York wants to be the cybersecurity capital of the world New York is one of the greatest cities in the world and for a good reason the city is already the world capital of media and finance but something is missing and now there is an initiative that will fill the gap to make things even greater they plan to invest over 100 million dollars to make the city of the world cybersecurity capital with that money investment a cybersecurity center and hub will be open in Chelsea and Soho in order to attract new talent and the richest investors
cyber criminals are responsible for fraud and crime there are also some good guys out there if you want to call them that in a way these leaks hurt the company that produces the movie or the songs but on the other hand they give fans all over the world the chance to hear or see something they really love some ask for million-dollar ransoms and some just do it for the thrill of it this also shows just how easy it is to hack into HBO the Academy or a record label and the ones responsible sometimes are offered jobs to help protect the company in the future there will be more than 300 billion passwords used worldwide our planet only holds about 7 billion people out of those people some are children some are elders and some don’t have access to the Internet so how did people manage to create over 300 billion passwords with so many social platforms email addresses and online shops it seems that our world functions solely on passwords and accounts it’s what companies want to have information about their customers the same things hackers blackmail them with all this talk about cybersecurity and theft can really make you take a social break or up your online security as we mentioned before no-one is safe on the Internet but if you play it smart and safe critical situations can be avoided what’s your input on this whole industry.

cyber attacks are more dangerous than nuclear weapons what’s the most dangerous thing in the world right now is it climate change is it a new financial crisis the refugee crisis or cyber security although all of the above are crucial some experts say that cyber attacks are more dangerous than nuclear weapons those who have access to money information and systems are way more powerful than a nuclear weapon and since nuclear weapons can be hacked we’re pretty much left to beg for mercy to a few smart guys behind a screen.